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A concept of a concept

Overarch is a show. And a game. And somehow, nothing. It doesn't exist. But it does, somehow. Overarch has a set story, yet none. Overarch is both fiction and nonfiction. You're probably confused. That's okay. Just keep reading.

Fine. I'll be clearer. Overarch does not exist, yet. Not, at least, as a franchise. Just because you cannot find any information about it, though, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Look deep into yourself. At any suffering and pain. At any desires you have. Flaws. Especially flaws. That's Overarch. It's flaws and desires and pain and suffering. But also some good. Love. Loss. Friends. Responsibility. All of that and more. It's also a big "What if?"

Overarch takes place on another planet, far into the future. Earth was reaching it's planetary capacity, so scientists sent a large spaceship full of middle class citizens to a planet far away. After centuries of sitting in cryopods, the humans emerged on a new planet, untouched by the hand of intelligent life-forms. The people could not agree on what to do next, though. Some wanted to get right to work recreating the world they had left behind. Others knew they needed to start from the beginning of human history, making less mistakes this time. So they split into two groups, each doing what they thought best. The group that dispersed into the wild began calling the others "Basics" and in turn were called "Alt-Humans." The Basics succeded in creating a world similar to ours, over thousands of years. The Alt-Humans, however, evolved. These new Alts were more animalistic. Anthropomorphic. Alts and Basics traded resources, and eventually they merged back together. But so many Alt-types means a lot of different wants and needs. So, different neighborhoods sprung up meeting these needs, and eventually, it began to feel... off. Moving into a neighborhood not meant for you was like an attack on a community. Alts began to become snobby. They quickly became richer, too, as their abilities were more desirable than Basics'. And we fell right back into prejudice. Many years later, though, as the world gradually grows more accepting, the younger generations began to be nicer. It's still a tricky world, though. One wrong movement made by one person, and everything could crumble.Now would you like the truth?

Overarch is essentially Eddsworld, but more narrative-based. The plan is to recruit "Mirror-types," people from our world, to the show and have their self-images placed into it. There are also many characters that are based off people from these Mirror-types' lives. The entire narrative isn't about one character. It's about everyone. For instance, while a show may be called "Overarch Lockout" and only follow the character named Jester, a videogame may follow someone else entirely. This reliance on OCs is exactly why Alts exist. Alts can be nearly anything. Anthro wolves, protogens, magical creatures. Wendigos. DEMONS. (Well, not by birth, just read Jester's lore.) Anything goes, pretty much. But, when you have powerful creatures mixed in with weak humans, you have a lot of superiority complexes, leading to a strange dynamic between Basics and Alts of fear, love, and prejudice.

Here is where you can find info on characters related to Overarch.

The canon cast. Note that this is only the list of characters who are canon to the story and will visually appear in canon media.

Oops! Looks like we haven't gotten this far!

"'We' as in the singular person working on this website, Collin. I'll get to work on what's missing soon enough, so just hang on, alright? I even have to remaster this WIP page as well! Haha!Until, then, you can click here to return to the main page." -Collin

Haven't gotten to this yet!

since you came so far though heres a tip stay at the bottom of the canon characters page for ten seconds you will be rewarded.